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As I explained, immediately after my transfiguration, I didn’t know anything about the details of my future role in the Marvelous Work and a Wonder® and The Humanity Party®. It would take a few more years before I was ready to meet my mentors, the organizers and overseers of this work.
Although I knew that humans had been on Earth for billions of years, ever since the earth and this solar system were first created, I didn’t know all the details. I knew that this solar system was a mental creation in the brain processes of highly advanced humans, living on a different planet in a different universe. I knew that my life upon Earth as Christopher was simply a dream experience occurring in my True Self’s mind, similar to how a dream takes place in Christopher’s mortal brain.
I knew I wasn’t really Christopher. I was the most important person in any universe in which I found myself. I knew that when Christopher dies, my mortal experience as Christopher ends abruptly, easily, and similar to how my mortal dreams end.
No matter how terrible or good our mortal dreams, these experiences always end when we wake up to the realization that these dreams are nothing more than sensory experiences in our brain. The only free-will choice that we make is to start the dream process by going to sleep. The rest happens involuntarily and perfunctorily.
In reality, however, we do NOT have the choice of whether or not to go to sleep. Sleep is forced on us. Try staying alert and awake during your mortal life without sleeping. This is empirical evidence that, as a mortal, YOU are not in charge of your experience.
In this regard, you do not have free will. Your True Self needs you to sleep at times, taking pressure off of your advanced brain’s Mortal Experience System … the MESS we’ve created for ourselves upon this earth.
Most mortals do not believe that life upon Earth “is but a dream.”(,_Row,_Row_Your_Boat.) Life seems so real, so vivid, so important to who we are.
As mortals, it seems we have free will to do what we want. We feel we can choose with whom we want to have a relationship and change the course of the life experience we have on Earth through the daily choices we make. But in our mortal dreams, while asleep, we don’t seem to have free will to change the events and choose the people with whom we have relationships in our dream experiences. People (dream people), many whom we can’t remember knowing or dealing with while awake, seem somehow to appear out of nowhere in our mortal dreams. The events of the mortal dream experience appear to be directly associated to what is going on in our conscious (awake) life upon Earth, which mortals believe is their only real experience. Dreams seem to be connected to, and a product of, the emotional events occurring in our daily life … in our real world, the only reality that mortals know.
Mortals can only think this way and have this limited view, because they’re thinking about it with an imperfect and capacity-limited brain. The learned world’s scientists have surmised that only a small part of the mortal human brain is actually used throughout a person’s life upon Earth. The question remains, however, for what is the rest of the brain supposed to be used?
Grandpa is going to introduce another Real Truth™ here, Grandkids.
The first human race living upon this planet, billions of years ago, had physical bodies created from the same materials of which the physical earth was created. We call these bodies: mortal bodies. However, these mortal bodies were not like the bodies that earthlings currently have. This first race of our humanity had perfect mortal bodies. We call this time period the First Dispensation of Human Time.
These perfect mortal bodies where created specifically to act and be acted upon under the full range of control and free agency (will) of the individual human being. They had none of the limitations and imperfections that our current mortal bodies have. These bodies didn’t have blood. Our modern imperfect bodies have blood vessels (arteries, veins, or capillaries) rather than the nerves (motor, sensory, autonomic, or cranial) that were used in perfect mortal bodies.
Our perfect mortal bodies were not negatively affected by anything upon Earth. They were impervious to (unaffected by) cold and heat. There weren’t any natural events, such as tornados, earthquakes, or hurricanes, that could hurt a human. Humans were in complete control of the weather and environment. They used Earth’s natural laws to have a positive Earth experience.
Our FIRST MORTAL SELVES only created plants and animals that served human needs. This did not include creating life forms (animals) that had features similar to humans (eyes, ears, nose, feeling, and the ability to taste) SO THAT WE COULD KILL AND EAT THEM!
Grandkids, there’s so much about the perfect mortal world and body that is really cool to understand! I could write chapters on this type of world, with these bodies and how they worked and functioned compared to our experience in our modern mortal world. But it’s not the time or the place for these details.
If you could create the perfect body for yourself, using only materials found upon Earth, what kind of body would you make? I wouldn’t make a body that has to use the bathroom—poop stinks!
When you eat something, tastes important, right? Humans eat to enjoy the taste. Animals eat to live; humans live to eat. Right? Why not create a body that takes food in, chews it, tastes it, and then dissolves it entirely, without creating any remaining part that makes us need to go to the bathroom?
It’s possible. Grandpa knows how it can be done. If modern bioengineers would just talk to me and let me explain how to create the perfect mortal body, I would teach them … for free.
Yep, I wouldn’t charge them a penny for what I know. But I would NOT tell them anything, if they were going to use the knowledge I gave them (for free) to charge people for creating a perfect body. Now you know why Grandpa and his mentors do not make themselves known in this greedy world. What we know, we give freely, but only on the condition that it can benefit the entire human race, without money involved. But anyways … that’s NOT going to happen!
So, what happened to our first ancestors, who were actually all of us in a previous life? What happened to the perfect mortal body? Why didn’t the perfect mortal body survive and be the kind of body that all of us have now?
It would take an entirely different book to explain this to you, Grandkids … Oh, wait … this will be explained in the last book that Grandpa is supposed to help my mentors write—The Dream of Mortal Life, Understanding Human Reality—A Final Warning to the Human Race. And guess what? All this cool information about the Real Truth™ is going to be available for FREE!
But let’s see if I can sum it up for you … how our first mortal Selves messed up our then-perfect mortal bodies: The first humans were not gendered. That’s right … no sex!
Sex is the way that humans use their body to its full potential of sensory stimulation. The sexual orgasm is the ultimate result of the human body being stimulated. As ungendered people, after a long, long time, we got a bit bored with the limited way that our bodies could interact with the Earth’s environment and with each other.
To make it simple:
These first humans used their incredible intelligence to create human-like bodies (biological androids from Earth’s materials). They were able to connect remotely to these human-like bodies, using their own brain’s sensory receptors. The purpose was to have a different and more intense sensory experience than what their normal perfect mortal bodies allowed them.
At first, these were androids, not real people. These androids did not have free will, but were created with the specific purpose of giving their owner pleasure, as the android’s brain was stimulated by the environment. So …
People would create one of these sensory stimulation android computer machines to which their brain could connect. This allowed them to have an artificial sensory experience of incredible intensity. At first, these “orgasm machines” were personal and had specific and unique energy frequencies. They were tuned in only to the owner’s own brain.
Then, some of these “intelligent” perfect mortals had another brilliant idea:
“Why not create our sensory-producing androids so that they can interact with each other? You build yours and I’ll build mine, but let’s build them so that they can interact. Your android can make my android have a sensory “orgasm” that I can actually feel. Although we don’t have the ability to create these feelings with our bodies, your android can make my android react; and I will feel YOU through our androids’ interactions.”
There were a few smart ones who realized that these “sex-producing machines” were going to cause a lot of problems for humanity. Although, these few smart ones couldn’t stop the free-will acts of other humans, they were wise enough to use their own intelligence to put a kink in the “sex machine,” so that it wouldn’t be so enjoyable to the person.
They created androids that could give physical pleasure to mortals. The trick was that the same body parts used to provide mortals with pleasure were also being used by the androids for going to the bathroom. Yep, Grandkids, f the same parts of your body that you use to pee and poop are what another person is going to want to taste, hear, smell, touch, and see.
I know; yuck, right?
But think about today’s world:
There are lots of unattractive people who want sex with attractive people. Many go online and find some pornography that presents very attractive people. They then use their own hand to virtually experience sex with those attractive people. They use their own mind to make themselves have an orgasm. Even some people in relationships do this, because they are not being satisfied by their sexual partner.
In the near future, the technology will be created that can connect all of your own brain’s sensory receptors to your computer through an interface system. Your computer will generate the appropriate frequencies (brain waves-energy) that are specific to each of your senses. You will be able to have an orgasm of unprecedented strength without anyone else around, generated only by computer software and the computer-brain interface.
If you were not very attractive and wanted to have sex with a gorgeous, sexy person, you could get out your computer and hook your brain up to the computer’s interface. Then, for a price, you could go online, find the gorgeous, sexy person of your choice—one who looks good you—and fulfill your sense of sight.
Even better, for the right price paid online, at the website,, you could have an enhanced experience. The website’s interactive software would send energy impulses to your brain, allowing you to feel the gorgeous body, smell it, and you’ll probably even choose the scent you want.
You would hear the gorgeous, sexy person talk to you, not from vibrations produced by an old computer’s speakers, but with vibrations produced by your brain’s hearing receptors. These would seem much more real and would be produced by a compatible computer-brain interface.
You would be able to feel the virtual person’s breath, and smell it, as the sexy one speaks to you … in your mind. You could taste any part of the sexy person’s body. This would all be generated by the website’s software and sent through the computer-brain interface technology on which you spent thousands of dollars. And the more money you have, the better the software and the experience will be.
Yep really!
More than likely, as you read my words this technology and lifestyle are already available. As I write, billions of people throughout this world start, maintain, and enjoy relationships with other humans … on their Smart Phone. They Tweet, Instagram, Facebook, and “swipe right” for whom they like and “swipe left” for those they don’t. Yep, this world is turning into a virtual world, where real human beings no longer actually need to interact with each other.
It’s safer in a virtual world. If you’re unattractive, you can present your virtual Self as anyone you want. Today, it’s called “Catfishing.” It happens all the time. Poor men in Africa are able to entice a lonely woman on the other side of the world into an online, virtual relationship and take all of her money, simply by creating a reality that just ain’t real. This happens all the time.
Human relationships are evolving and changing every year, becoming less intimate, personal, and real. They are becoming virtual. This is the exact same way we messed up our world during the First Dispensation of Human Time.
Grandkids, you only have one perception of life upon Earth from which to form a perspective of your reality. As normal imperfect mortals, you can’t remember anything from before you were born upon Earth. You can’t remember anything that happened before your brain started fully functioning in your new infant body. Also, your limited perspective is affected by the reality that hundreds of thousands of people living upon Earth die every day and are replaced by hundreds of thousands of new humans.
How is it possible that you are actually an Eternal being who was never created and will never have an end? Your limited mortal brain cannot deal with this and understand this BECAUSE IT’S AN IMPERFECT MORTAL BRAIN! But, because of Grandpa’s transfiguration, I understand it perfectly. It is the only thing that makes any sense to me.
Your mortal body started from a couple of simple cells and grew inside your mother’s, or now, father’s, body … soon to be grown in artificial wombs outside of the body. The YOU (who YOU are now) have never been inside the dark space of a confined womb. Can you imagine waking up inside of a womb? That would terrible!
YOU (who YOU always actually are) had NOTHING to do with the body to which YOU were going to connect (the body you have now in mortality), until YOU connected to that infant’s brain. This happened OUTSIDE of the womb.
Now, there are a bunch of hard-hearted and closed-minded people in this world, who condemn a woman (and even a man now) for having an abortion and cleaning out a few multiplied cells that look like a human body. Many of these same people grow animals to murder them and eat them.
Grandpa was born into the LDS/Mormon religion. I believed the Book of Mormon was just as important as the Bible. I believed the Book of Mormon contained a “fulness” of the truth. That was what I was taught. And after my transfiguration, I knew it for sure!
The Book of Mormon authors included a very important clue about the human spirit having NOTHING TO DO WITH THE DEVELOPING BODY IN THE WOMB, until the infant body was actually born into the world. Yeah, really!
As presented in this incredible allegoric story, one of Jesus’ chosen mortal prophets lived in the Western Hemisphere. He told people there that Jesus was going to be born on Earth from the womb of His mother, Mary. This was to happen in Jerusalem, on the other side of the world, in the Eastern Hemisphere. According to tradition, the sign for which people could watch to know of Jesus’ birth so far away was that there would be three days of light, when the sound wouldn’t go down.
This didn’t sit well with the unbelievers. They decided to kill this guy and his followers, if they didn’t get a sign of Jesus’ birth by a certain date. As it reads in the story:
“And it came to pass that [Jesus’ chosen mortal messenger] went out and bowed himself down upon the earth, and cried mightily to his God in behalf of his people, yea, those who were about to be destroyed because of their faith in the tradition of their fathers.
“And it came to pass that he cried mightily unto the Lord all that day; and behold, the voice of the Lord came unto him, saying:
“Lift up your head and be of good cheer; for behold, the time is at hand, and on this night shall the sign be given, and on the morrow come I into the world, to show unto the world that I will fulfil all that which I have caused to be spoken by the mouth of my holy prophets.”
—BOM, 3 Nephi 1:11–3.
There you have it in black and white from the “word of God’! But the Mormons are “blind” and cannot see, because they don’t believe their own Book of Mormon anymore. They only listen to their corrupt leaders, who don’t know anything about anything and prove it by what comes out of their upper bodily orifices … their mouths.
In the Book of Mormon story presented above, Mary, the mortal mother of Jesus, was living in the Eastern Hemisphere with a huge baby boy’s body about ready to be forced out of her vagina “on the morrow.” Meanwhile, the advanced human, who was about to connect to this body inside of Mary’s womb, spoke to one of His prophets all the way over in the Western Hemisphere. How could Jesus (whose mortal body was at that time in His mother’s womb) speak to a guy living in ancient America? According to the story, his spirit supposedly spoke in the ear of an ancient American. How could this happen if His spirit was, at the time, in a body that had developed for nine months in the womb of a virgin in the Eastern Hemisphere?
Answer that one, Mormon prophet, seer, and revelator!
As I’ve explained, the Book of Mormon is a fictional (another word that can be used in the place of “religious”) story that was invented to present Real Truth™s the only way that people for whom the book was meant would read it and accept it.
An abortion specialist living in Bethlehem could have destroyed and taken out that body before the “morrow” and it wouldn’t have done a thing to the REAL JESUS, who was directing His affairs as an advanced human being … certainly, not on this earth! And if you think that Jesus would have sent that doctor to hell, or Mary to hell because she didn’t want to get hemorrhoids from forcing that big ass head out of her little, virgin vagina, because she was impregnated by God, you don’t know the REAL JESUS!
In the near future, probably by the time you are reading your Grandpa’s words, the rich who can afford it will be having their children’s mortal bodies created in an artificial womb and engineered to the specifications that the rich have chosen for their posterity’s body.
And think about it …
What if they had the choice to create a body that wouldn’t need to use the bathroom? But the only way that future bioengineers will be able to create a body like this, and they will be able to, is if they eliminate the orifices from which the poop and pee are extracted from the body, which in turn will eliminate the ability of their child to have sex.
But anyways …
As I explained, I didn’t come home to Jackie, my wife, or to Brittany and Joshua, my kids, as husband and father on the morning of June 16, 1987. I came home knowing that we were actually each a “REAL JESUS.”
As I explained above, I didn’t know anything about the role I was to play for humanity. I simply followed my heart, changed, of course, by my new perception and perspective.
I mentioned one of my LDS/Missionary companions, Kyle D. Williams. So check out how his real Jesus and my real Jesus got together:
After our short time in the mission field together, I ran into Kyle at the Defense Language Institute, where that smart guy was studying an even harder language than I was. Our chance meeting, which I thought at the time was only chance and an incredible coincidence, wouldn’t be our last.
After my stint in the Army, I was sitting at the Security Desk in the Genealogy Library, when who walks through the front door? Kyle D. Williams.
Kyle was employed as a Genealogist. I have NEVER known anyone with the integrity that Kyle has. If I could choose a person upon this earth who is completely without guile, it would be Kyle. (Hey, that rhymes!)
Guile is where one uses sly or cunning intelligence to get what one wants. Kyle never did anything dishonest, sly, or cunning; but I would learn to be a master at guile.
When I recognized Kyle coming through the front door of the Genealogy Library, I called him over. He recognized me, smiled and came over about four steps. He immediately looked down at his watch and pushed a button that stopped his watch’s timer.
“Why did you do that to your watch?” I asked.
“I’ve been hired by the hour to do someone’s genealogy. I don’t charge them for time when I am not doing genealogy for them.”
This man is the most honest man I have ever known. We probably chatted for only about five minutes then. But every time he came into the library, when I was on duty, he would stop the timer on his watch, no matter how brief our interaction. That is PURE HONESTY without guile from Kyle!
Eventually I didn’t see Kyle come into the library any longer. I had no idea where he went or what he was doing.
June 16th came and went.
In the fall of 1987, I was on a bus in downtown Salt Lake City. I was looking out the window, and whom did I see walking along the sidewalk? Kyle Williams.
I yelled for the bus driver to stop, got off and confronted Kyle. He told me that he and his wife were moving to Grandview, Missouri, to live with his parents. We talked for a bit. And that was it.
Not knowing where Jackie and I were going to start our … I mean “my” … new life, I thought about all the times I had run into Kyle over the years. I felt that this contact must be important to both of our real Jesuses.
I contacted Kyle, who was living in Grandview, and told him I was moving out there. While living there, Kyle, a VERY staunch LDS/Mormon, found out that I had left the Church. He would come over and talk religion with me.
When I spoke to him, my words were always bent towards religion and on his level. I made a lot of sense to Kyle. I could see that what I was saying affected him. He was beginning to open his mind to the possibility that the LDS/Mormon religion was not “all that and a bag of potato chips.”
One rainy day, Kyle knocked on our apartment door. He was barefoot and soaked to the bone, holding his LDS Scriptures in his hand. He called me to repentance and testified of the truthfulness of the LDS/Mormon Church. He told me that I had to humble myself and follow God’s chosen leaders upon Earth. I invited him in, and embraced him, with that smile that spreads across my face anytime I deal with aged-children who believe in Santa Claus.
I loved and respected Kyle … probably more so, at the time, than any other man I had ever known. I didn’t try to destroy his religion. I think I said a few things to let him know that he was probably right, but I was going to keep on sinning. Kyle left that day, realizing I was a lost cause.
Jackie and I had moved from Grandview, Missouri, lived in Minot, North Dakota, for a short time, and eventually ended up in Snohomish County, Washington in a small cabin near the city of Baring.
Barely a year had passed since Kyle had shown up at my door calling me to repentance. I’m not quite sure how he found us, but suddenly Kyle showed up at our small cabin. He had left his wife and son back in Grandview, Missouri, and had left the LDS/Mormon Church.
At our cabin, Kyle mentioned that he was going on a “walkabout,” which is an Australian rite of passage during which males undergo a journey and live in the wilderness for a time to make the spiritual and traditional transition into manhood. Kyle was trying to find his True Self. I could have explained to Kyle exactly who he is and why he exists at that time, but I didn’t. But I doubt he would have listened to me then. The story doesn’t end there with Kyle, however.
Eventually, Jackie and I would end up back in Utah. Shortly after Brittany and Joshua were maliciously taken away from me (after I started my involvement with Grandma Marcee and Grandma Vicky), guess who showed up at my house? That’s right. Kyle D. Williams.
This time Kyle had all of his worldly possessions with him, including all of his money, his beloved trumpet, and a few other things. Out of all the people in the world, Kyle sought me out. He wanted to leave all of his material possessions and all of his money with me. His walkabout became more intense. He wanted to leave the world and continue his journey to find himself. Kyle eventually came back to Utah, found me, and I gave him everything, including all the money, that he had entrusted to me.
Kyle NEVER, EVER, TOOK THE TIME TO ASK ME WHAT I KNEW ABOUT GOD, REALITY, AND OUR EXISTENCE! NEVER; NOT ONCE. Although he entrusted me, out of everyone else he knew upon Earth, with his life, he not ONCE asked me WHY I LEFT THE LDS/MORMON CHURCH and what had happened to my mind.
After I agreed to be the True Messenger, I would often speak kindly of Kyle and his incredible integrity, as one of the few men upon Earth who lived without guile. Kyle and I made contact again. I tried to lead him carefully into an understanding about what I was doing as a True Messenger.
He didn’t want anything to do with a new religion, however, or any part of what I was doing. I would contact him and use guile to get Kyle! (There’s that rhyme again.) I tried to introduce the reality of my role as a True Messenger in a way that he could accept and understand; but Kyle was never receptive.
Now the ironic twist to our mutual saga: Kyle D. Williams would side with my enemies in an attempt to get me prosecuted and arrested for fraud.
Why didn’t you just come again, meet with me, and ask me to tell you the Real Truth™? Kyle, YOU CHOSE ME throughout your entire life as someone whom you could trust with your life! Think about it, Mamut Chiquitito, (a name I called Kyle since our mission experience):
If there actually were four immortal humans living among us on Earth, and they had a mission to do for humanity, and they had to choose someone to help them, wouldn’t they choose the same type of human that you chose your entire life to trust?
Think about it.
But anyways …
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