The Dream of Mortal Life
Understanding Human Reality
A Final Warning to the Human Race
This book was envisioned and developed by an anonymous group of experts, each contributing their individual advice and ideas to its formation. Together, this group’s combined personal life experiences bring hundreds of years of study, observation, and knowledge to the table. The group’s desire to retain its anonymity speaks for their deep respect for each other; and their acknowledgement that the extent of the book’s information could not be provided by any one person’s vision and experience. To honor their pure intentions and the virtuous purpose for which each has donated their time and talents to this work, the book will be offered to the world free of charge.
The book’s purpose is to present a profound and unprecedented view of human existence—one which has never been fully considered and explored.
The group has unanimously concluded that the current views and opinions held by the world about human life are the greatest cause of despair, unrest, depression, division, and unhappiness. Their united opinion, qualified by their extensive research and personal experiences, propositions that unless a major change occurs in the way that human life is valued and viewed upon earth, the demise of the human race is inevitable, or at the very least, the ability to achieve happiness and peace unlikely.
This book intends to present an explanation and understanding of ourselves that can only lead to a greater cohesiveness and solidarity among us.
By understanding each other better and concentrating on the things that we have in common more than the things that divide us, it is this group’s hope that unified, humans can fix the problems that they have created.
Our greatest commonality is the fact that we are all mortal and share the same finite environment provided by the same laws of the natural earth.
This book will deal with viewpoints about our existence that in the past were never properly explored nor considered beyond their rejection as simple theories based on the philosophical ramblings of “crazy” thinkers. Yet, years after their deaths—many of these murdered because of their “crazy beliefs”—some of these same viewpoints are respected as opinions of the world’s greatest thinkers.
The things revealed in this book have been proposed before but rejected by the masses, often led by ministers of education, science, and religion, and others who would lose their worldly value if these proposals turned out to be the real truth.
Because the intent and agenda of these unscrupulous ministers was to retain their value and power, the masses have never had a fair opportunity to consider these proposals.
The area of concentration of this book presents many of these proposals clearly, simply, and in their purest form.
There are few limitations to the profound information that will be presented in this book. It will cover a wide variety of questions that mortals have considered since the beginning of time, or rather, from the recorded history of the known world. Understanding the answers is limited only to our imagination, which gives a human being—unique in the natural world—the aptitude and ability to form new ideas and concepts that are not currently present to our senses. It has been said that imagination is more important than knowledge; in that, knowledge is limited to what we know, and imagination unlimited in what we have yet to discover. It has also been proposed that anything that we can imagine, if not real in our present experience, must be real in some other experience.
In our current experience, our advancements in technology have outpaced our ability to incorporate them properly for the benefit and betterment of the world. For the few so privileged with the means to live without struggle, we have developed highly technologically advanced (video) games in which one seeks distraction from the mundane and monotonous schedule of daily life. Can we imagine what these games are going to be like in one-hundred years? In a thousand years? If we can imagine a world where we have eliminated human struggle, and where every person has their basic life necessities provided for without the harsh physical requirements often associated with force (i.e., slavery); and where our technology has evolved and eliminated disease and aging; what, then, would be the means of distraction that we would ensue in the pursuit of happiness? The intelligent, anonymous group of contributors to this book maintain that these future pursuits in an advanced world of peace and plenty is: The Dream of Mortal Life.
The Real Illuminati® had an exact date intended for the presentation of the Real Truth® about human existence. In 2009 their Messenger, Christopher, set his mind against continuing in his role. Before he tried to quit, Christopher wanted to present whatever portion of the Real Truth® he was allowed to reveal at that time. To this end, Christopher wrote Human Reality–Who We Are and Why We Exist! and intended for it to be his last publication. Though Human Reality contains Real Truth®, it is not the full Real Truth® about our human existence.
Christopher was ultimately convinced to stay on until the work of the Real Illuminati® is completed. Everything that Christopher was not allowed to reveal in 2009 in Human Reality will be revealed in its final addendum: The Dream of Mortal Life.
The Dream of Mortal Life
Understanding Human Reality
A Final Warning to the Human Race